Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day Seven: The Final Tally!

Trash Tally

But first, the trash from the last 24 hours... Unfortunately I had to add a few extra items to the landfill category today after a friend informed me of this change at Far West Fibers: "Due to market conditions we are no longer accepting rigid plastics." Too bad!

Okay enough of the daily trash.

Drumroll please...

Eh hem... drumroll, I said...

Total Trash Tally for a Week

Weighing in

LANDFILL: 9.5 lbs (7.4 lbs litter box treasures in the yogurt tubs + 2.1 lbs in plastic bag)

COMPOST: 9.8 lbs

RECYCLE: 6.2 lbs

SPECIAL RECYCLE: scale did not register



LANDFILL: With no evidence to back this up, I feel like this was a bigger landfill week for us than usual because of the shower curtain and the dishwashing gloves. Clearly the kitties produce our greatest and most magnificent contribution to the landfill. Since we only have one bathroom in our house, I unfortunately see no way around this. If we had two bathrooms, I would seriously consider toilet training the cats which is definitely preferable to this:

Hey lady, I quite resent you putting my picture on your trashy blog. I will trip you later. Now turn on my water fountain.

Thanks Jasmine, for that contribution. Anyway, where were we?

COMPOST: This seems a pretty typical week for us.

RECYCLE: This one seems to vary quite a bit depending on how we're cycling through various things but I'm guessing this is pretty average for us.

SPECIAL RECYCLE: Typical haul though really just down to stretchy plastic now.

TOILET PAPER: I don't really know what category to put this in since most of it goes through sewage treatment and I know very little about that part of the waste stream. Share if you know! I was surprised we used 3 rolls but have no idea what's normal for us. I'm embarrassed to say that a good portion of this (1/5 maybe) is for blowing noses. I need to embrace the hankie technique that I actually preached about but I'm totally ashamed to say I haven't quite gotten there yet. I knew someone who had a special way to fold it so he didn't stick his nose back in old snot and I think I'd like to know that technique.

And there we have it. My goal was to tally a week and I did it! I'm tempted to tally another week (not daily, just the week total) to see how much variability there is but I haven't decided yet. I know we still have room for improvement and might want to do this a couple times a year to sort of check in and see how we're doing. Either way, I'll be back on again soon to talk about The Future...

This is totally related to the blog.

Intrigued? Good, come back.

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